22 Nov

1.AThe Evesham & District Pensioners Association throughout this constitution shall be referred to as ‘the Association’.
2.AThe Association shall not be tied to any Political Party.
3.AThe aims and objectives are: To promote and defend the interests of all pensioners, including those on early retirement, in their desire for a dignified, comfortable and independent retirement.      To promote the Health and Well-Being of Members. 
  • To obtain and impart information on a wide range of subjects concerning pensioners, over 50’s, carers and service users.
  • To hold regular meetings to discuss such information.
  • To have speakers on a wide range of topics and to encourage a friendly and social atmosphere at our monthly meetings.
  • To become involved with the local community throughout Worcestershire in matters of common concern and interest.
  • To involve all members, if they so wish, in additional social activities.
  • To make representation to the local authorities and other bodies throughout Worcestershire and Nationally on matters of concern to its members.
  • To seek to encourage an active community interest and spirit on all matters within the Association's stated aims and objectives and to bring both old and young together throughout Worcestershire in an ambience of respect for each other’s needs.

4.A FULL MEMBERSHIP Is open to over 50’s, pensioners (including those on early retirement), carers and service users who support the aims and objectives of the Association.
4.BRIGHT TO REFUSE MEMBERSHIP The Association reserves the right to refuse membership to any person who they believe may bring disrepute upon the Association.
  • The member should act in a manner prejudicial to the harmony and good name of the Association.
  • The member fails to pay the annual subscription by 31st January each year.
4.DANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The annual subscriptions shall be determined by the Management Committee and approved by the AGM. The Membership Year commences on 1st January each year. The annual subscription for full membership shall not be less than £5.00 (Five Pounds). For any new Members seeking to join the Association after 30th June 50% of the annual subscription shall apply for the remainder of that membership year.
5.A OFFICERS The Officers posts shall be: 
  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • General Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Secretary
5.BThe Management Committee shall comprise the Officers of the Association and up to Six (6) members who shall be elected at the AGM. See 6.E re: Powers to Co-opt additional committee members.
5.CRetiring Officers shall be eligible to become candidates for re-election without nomination provided that the Officer notifies the General Secretary in writing not later than 1st November in each year. All other candidates for election as Officers of the Association or members of the Management Committee shall be nominated to the General Secretary on the designated Nomination Form not later than 1st November in each year. In the event of there being no nomination for any office by the date stated in the earlier part of this Rule, nominations may be received at the AGM. Should any Officers post not be filled at the AGM, the Management Committee shall be empowered to fill from within their own ranks.
6.AThe Management Committee, who shall be elected at the AGM, are empowered with the responsibility for the management of the Association.
6.BThe Management Committee shall have collective responsibility for the overall direction and supervision of the Association’s affairs in accordance with the stated Aims and Objectives.
6.CThe Management Committee shall be empowered to authorise expenditure of the Association’s funds for bona-fide operating expenses and for matters specifically related to the Association’s Aims and Objectives.
6.DThe Management Committee may appoint representatives to other voluntary or charitable organisations with similar aims and objectives to the Association.
6.EThe Management Committee may co-opt additional committee members and may also fill any casual vacancy that may occur in their number between AGM’s. Any member who fills a casual vacancy must then seek election at the next AGM.
6.FThe Management Committee shall meet at least once every two (2) months. A minimum of 50% of its members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Management Committee or any of its sub-committees.
6.GEach member of the Management Committee shall have the right to attend and vote at all Management Committee meetings and have one vote at all such meetings  but no member shall be allowed to vote on any matters directly relating  to that  member or where there may be a conflict of interest. (This shall also apply to the procedure of any sub-committee).
6.HIn the event of the voting being equal on any matter, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
6.IThe Management Committee may appoint sub-committees and delegate such of their powers as they deem necessary. The decisions of all sub-committees shall be reported to the Management Committee for ratification.
7.AANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) At least fourteen (14) days’ prior notice of the AGM shall be given.
7.BThe AGM shall be held in November each year. At this meeting the following business shall be transacted provided that at least fifteen (15) members are present and entitled to vote: 
  • Adopt the Minutes of the previous AGM/ EGM
  • Adopt the Management Committees Annual Reports
  • Adopt  the Treasurers Financial Statement
  • Election of Association’s Officers and Management Committee members
  • Consider any items previously notified to the General Secretary
  • Consider upon conclusion of the formal business 1) to 5) above, any other relevant business at the Chair’s discretion. Such matters raised if not resolved, and thought necessary, will be considered by the Management Committee at one of its regular meetings.
The Officers and Management Committee members shall be entitled to attend and vote at an AGM and an EGM.
  • The Management Committee may call an EGM at any time.
  • At least 14 days prior notice of an EGM shall be given, together with an Agenda of the business to be transacted at such meeting.

7.DGENERAL MEETINGS AND SOCIAL MEETINGS An open General Meeting or Social Meeting shall take place once a month, except November when the AGM shall take place. At the discretion of the Management Committee a discounted entrance fee may be charged to Members for any General Meeting or Social Meeting (excluding the AGM or an EGM). In such cases any Non-Members attending shall pay the full entrance fee.
7.EVOTING Any matters requiring an immediate decision to be taken at any of the above meetings shall be determined by a simple majority of the fully paid up members present and voting, except those relating to the Constitution which will require a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority of members present and voting. All voting shall be conducted by a show of hands, unless a ballot be demanded by at least 50% of the delegates qualified to vote or the Chair so decides.
8. FINANCE                                  
8.A1) CONTROL OF FUNDS The Association’s finances shall be controlled and accounted for by the Treasurer under the overall direction of the Management Committee. Monies withdrawn from the Association’s bank accounts shall require two (2) signatures: 
  • Treasurer
  • Chair or General Secretary
 A financial statement shall be made available to the Management Committee on at least a quarterly basis. The Treasurer shall make all Bank Statements and Financial Books available to the Chair and Vice-Chair upon request. 2) FINANCIAL AUDIT The Treasurer shall present the audited accounts for adoption at the AGM. 3) The Association’s financial year shall end on 30th September each year. 4) The Auditor(s) shall not be members of the Management Committee.
9.A1) The Association may be dissolved by a decision passed by not less than 75% of the total Membership present and eligible to vote at either an AGM or EGM. 2) Members who wish to wind up the Association must submit a written resolution to the General Secretary and signed by 25% of the total Membership eligible to vote. The Chair and General Secretary will convene a meeting of the Management Committee within seven (7) days on receipt of the request and following this meeting the Chair and General Secretary shall ensure: (a) A meeting is convened stating reasons for the meeting, with twenty eight (28) days prior notice being given of the meeting. (b) The Membership Secretary shall ensure that at least 50% of those Members who signed the written resolution are present at the meeting before any discussion/decision takes place. (c) If the Management Committee decide on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary to dissolve the Association, the same actions as in (a) and (b) above shall be carried out. (d) If such a decision to dissolve the Association be confirmed by not less than 75% of the total membership present and eligible to vote at the meeting, such a meeting, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, shall not dispose of any surplus assets or property belonging to the Association by payments to, or distribution, amongst its members, but shall determine that they be transferred to some other Association, Voluntary Organisation or Charity having similar aims and objectives. The Management Committee shall have the power to dispose of the surplus assets and property in accordance with the above.
10.AAmendments to the Constitution may only be made with approval of the AGM or EGM. Notice of any proposed amendments shall be submitted to the General Secretary in writing not less than twenty eight (28) days prior to the appropriate AGM or EGM.

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